
Android continues to steal mobile web consumption shares from iOS

In a new report from Quantcast outlining mobile web consumption based off of operating system, it was no contest to say that iOS would take the cake. Dominating with 58.8% over second place, Android, at 19.9%, you would think that this is just further proof at iOS’s ability to stay on top. But looking further into the statistics shows that this is far from the truth. Rewind a year to where Quantcast did this exact study. iOS’s share was 64.9% and Android had a 7.7% share. So in a year, Android doubled its shares being the only operating system, in fact, to have a positive trend. Even in the last month, Android gained 1.3% where iOS lost nearly 1%.

2010 Quantcast Mobile Web Consumption Chart 1

2010 Quantcast Mobile Web Consumption Chart 2

These stats are, of course, before iPhone 4 has been released so I’m sure we can expect a positive growth there. But if you look at the chart above, you can see when the 3GS popped up, in June, marked the beginning of a positive trend for iOS. Unfortunately, that lasted only for the summer and ended about a month before Android began its rapid growth in October. We can speculate this growth in Android really being sparked by the Motorola Droid which was released in November of that year. These stats, also don’t include anything from the Sprint Evo 4G which was released in early June. As has been reported, the Evo has been selling more than can be manufactured and there are waiting lists every where that sells them. And even though the Droid Incredible was released at the end of April, you are still seeing shipping delays, the latest being all the way back to July 12. So guess the new question is can iPhone 4 gain back the ground it has lost or will the combination of the Evo, Droid Incredible, Droid 2, and Droid X just keep pushing Android up and iOS down.

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